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Trimco's Filtering Process For Hiring

Experience Filter: We will not hire anyone that has experience in the industry. It is too difficult to untrain bad habits. We are such a unique company and our SOP’s are superior to anything else, that we need to train our staff from the ground up.

Personality Filter: After hiring and training literally thousands of people we know the exact personality profile of the ideal workforce.  All of our candidates take a DISC personality profile test and we filter for that exact personality type. 

Dexterity Filter: All of our candidates are required to take stringent dexterity test to determine if they have the eye-hand coordination and dexterity required to complete the cultivation tasks at an elite level. 

Critical Thinking Filter: All of our candidates take a critical thinking test. Due to the fact that almost all of the cultivation activities are on a case by case basis. Plants are individuals and have their own personalities just like humans. It’s impossible to have a one size fits all method that can be followed exactly. Our workforce is trained to identify all of the variables associated with cultivation and develop the best plan of action based on the variables they are presented with.  

Victim Mentality Filter: In this new era we are in, it is very common to have candidates that have a victim mindset. This type of person will become a cancer and destroy the company culture. We developed a proprietary test to identify this mentality and filter it out of our pool of candidates. 

These filters lead to about a 1% hire rate. In other words we filter through 100 candidates to hire 1. 

Once the candidate is hired they are immediately enrolled into Trimco University where they will spend the next 90 days training for the roles they will ultimately perform for our company or for our clients as a staffing position. 

This extremely difficult hiring process is why our team is the most highly skilled elite workforce in the industry: